Sunday, January 11, 2015

An Aside

There is a blog out there titled Fearblog of Fear, subtitled Dreams and Sleep and Fear, written by a boy named Billy Everyblogger. I linked to it in the post prior. This was my introduction-- away from that world of fake love-craft-- to the Fear Mythos. I don't actually remember how I found it. It just sorta appeared in the previous post? Maybe some other slender man from worlds beyond planted it there. Maybe I misplaced it. Or it was taken. But that's beside the point. I'm supposed to be narrating my identity crisis here. Of course, how "I" can narrate my own identity crisis stands as a bit of a paradox, doesn't it? It would imply-- or insinuate, if you want to use big words arbitrarily---- don't end sentences in adverbs, Slender man, remember your training------ alright, which one of us is Mister Charles, again?---- easy now, we are all projections of your subconscious here-- like some pompous fucking tool-- that I know my own identity and thus the crisis, insubordinately termed and inexplicably learned as it was,, was that supposed to be an attempt at a rhyme?,,, wait guys I don't think this gimmick works with commas,,,, why is "Hey Ya" now stuck in my head,,,,, oh there's actually a fascinating exegesis I could give you regarding that,,,, alright calm down buddy this isn't a dream these are just thoughts written on a blog post,,,,, u fookin wot m8 ill fookin do u,,,, wait why aren't we using punctuation anymore,,, probably because we're already using commas as the formatting here,, okay now I know that wasn't intentional, had been averted.


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